I did a cake tasting for a wonderful couple and decided to actually decorate the cakes for the tasting. This first cake was a Banana Cream Pie cake, which is banana cake layered with banana cream filling and banana slices. Originally, the couple wanted all buttercream and no fondant so I left this cake bare, with no fondant. It's covered in buttercream and the yellow dots are marshmallow fondant. This was their favorite cake, despite the fact that the groom never eats cake. Yes! I sold another one! :)

This second cake was Ruby Red Velvet cake and I covered this one in homemade marshmallow fondant so that they could see and taste the difference. Then, they both agreed that they wanted marshmallow fondant for their cakes. Double score!

This last cake was a Caramel Macchiato Cake, which is coffee flavored cake layered with caramel cream filling, caramel, and buttercream. This cake was also just covered in buttercream with marshmallow fondant accents. In the end, I had fun decorating with buttercream, I sold the groom on cake, AND I sold the bride on using marshmallow fondant! Woo-hoo! It was a great day! :) Thank you, Caisxa, Capryl & Rob! I had a fun time tasting some cake and talking about barbwire and shotgun shells (don't worry, this will all make sense in a few weeks when I post the Barbwire wedding cake... oh, it's awesome... you just wait!)
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